This blog is focused on the Fiat currency changes that are taking place as the US Dollar slowly changes from the reserve currency, and is supplanted by ? A basket of currencies including (but not limited to) the BRIC countries. Brazil, Russia, India and China? IMF SDR? The "Amero"?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sun set to rise tomorrow and Federal Reserve involved in cover up


Rep Issa charged that Ben Bernake and the Federal Reserve pressure BOA into the Merrill Lynch deal. Of course they did. Then they used future taxpayers to cover the obligations.

I am continuously amazed that people are amazed. You want to fix problems like these?

1. Abolish the Fed
2. Get rid of Fractional Reserve lending
3. Get rid of social spending programs where you buy votes with benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security)
4. Reduce military spending by 1/2. Pull our forces back to the USA and secure the southern border.
5. Move to a flat tax with ZERO deductions, taxing all income the SAME RATE above the poverty line.
6. Allow vouchers to compete with public schools as equal alternatives to compulsory education.

In short, take back power from the state (in this case the Federal Government) and give it to the people, who should have never reliquinshed it in the first place

Will any of that happen? Of course not. It makes too much sense.

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